Friday, October 17, 2014

Vocab Fall List 7

pratfall - a fall onto one's buttocks

bewilderedly - completely puzzled, confused

titillation - to simulate by touching lightly, tickle

Theremin- an early electronic musical instrument controlled
                           without physical contact

tabloids - a type of journalism

centrifuge - a machine with a rapidly rotary container that applies
                   centriful fuge to its contacts

haltingly - faltering or hesitating in speech

probing - physically explore or examine what it does in an 

stagnant - having no current or flow and often an unpleasant

cacophony - a harsh discordant mixture of sounds

Friday, October 10, 2014

Vocab Fall List 6

tatters - irregular torn pieces of cloth, paper, or other material

merely - just, only

vast - of very great extent or quantity

parlor - a room in a private home set for entertainment for guests

abruptly - sudden or unexpected

refracted - of water, air, or glass make a change of direction when in an angle

immense - extremely large or great

imperceptibly - impossible to perceive

ventilator - blows air into your airways

olfactory - relating to the sense of smell

Friday, October 3, 2014

Fahrenheit 451 pg.3-20

This book is kind of odd because the way people live in the book is way different from our society today. Its against the law to read books and firemen start fires instead of putting out fires. People are more private about there stuff. its amazing how the author wrote the book long ago but was able to predict the future of our society so well.